
中国,上海,2022715 – 川流投资于近日完成新材料基金二期的募集工作。






Longwater Advanced Materials Fund II Completes Final Closing
Press Release
Shanghai, China, July 15th, 2022 – Longwater Investment has recently completed the final close of Longwater Advanced Materials Fund II.
Longwater Advanced Materials Fund II (“AMF II”) is managed by Longwater Investment and primarily invest in innovational materials and chemistry-related technologies. As the continuation of the investment strategy of Longwater Advanced Materials Fund I (“AMF I”), AMF II continues to seek to invest in targets in the chemical and material sector with advanced technologies, high entry barriers, core competency, innovation capabilities and growth potentials.
The investors of AMF II consists of investment institutions, such as Xiamen C&D, Suzhou Fund, CSSD (601512.SH), Oriza Fofs, Ancheng Capital,HuaYi Ventures, HN&T, Hengxing Group, Be-top Resources, Anhui Xinhua Investment, etcglobachemical and materials market leaders, including NIPSEA Group, Zijin Mining (601899.SH), Solvay and BASF;domestic chemical and materials market leaders, including Cosmos (300856.SZ), Runtu (002440.SZ)Hifichem (300758.SZ), Jinhe Industrial (002597.SZ) and Yip's Chemical (00408.HK); and the founding families or major shareholders of several well-known companies.
Xiamen C&D, HuaYi Ventures, Runtu, Hifichem, Solvay and BASF, among the above-mentioned investors of AMF II, have invested in both AMF I and AMF II as most of the AMF I have re-upped in AMF II. Thanks to strong support of both the old and the new investors,  Longwater Investment has closed more than RMB 1.4 billion for AMF II, almost tripling the size of AMF I.
“We appreciate the strong support from the investors of AMF I and AMF II. Having been focused ourselves on the advanced materials investment since our inception, Longwater Investment is committed to building the best investment team in this field. As our investment strategy is gradually proven by the successes of our portfolio, we will continue to, driven by our in-depth research and insights, explore the investment opportunities with high growth potentials related to advanced materials towards key downstream applications including pan industrial & consumers upgrading, clean energy, electronics & semiconductors, sustainability and life science,” said Shi Xuesong, the Managing Partner of Longwater Investment, “Leveraging on Longwater’s extensive industrial network as well as our top profile industrial LPs, we will continue to materialize the underlying industrial synergies and thus empower our investees, help promote industrial upgrading in China, and create long-term value for our investors."
About Longwater Investment
Being one of the very few equity fund managers that focus on advanced materials and chemistry-related technologies in China, Longwater pioneers investments in related sectors. Leveraging on the combination of industrial insights and investment expertise, Longwater executes and manages its investments with the objective of achieving successful growth driven by technological innovation, industrial upgrading and the improvement of human well-being. Longwater is committed to creating long-term value for its investors, the companies it invests in, and the communities in which it works. Longwater Advanced Materials Fund I and II are private equity funds under the management of Longwater. Longwater is a registered fund manager with AMAC (P1034186).
Further information at www.longwatercap.com
关键字:新材料 基金


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